Like cutting open the belly of a pregnant women and stabbing the baby to death while the mother watched, and then killing the mother.Burning children alive?This asshole isn't even middle eastern!Imagine having to take a class from him!Highr Ed: Lose your humanity and moral compas.dailycaller.comIvy League Professor Calls Hamas Terrorist Attacks ‘Exhilarating’ And ‘Energizing’ At Campus RallyA Cornell University professor called Hamas' Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel “energizing” and “exhilarating” during a Sunday campus rally.
it's called Cultural Jihad
and it's real
bet you didn't know that the Muslim Brotherhood is working to install Sharia Law in the US
We should just tell the Chinese that ground up bones of terrorists will give them big virile boners and just let them go to town. Look how it ended for the White Rhino.