@San Clemente Ever wonder where there isn't any traffic coming down here Friday night?
Enjoy the train tracks falling into the ocean and the 5 screaming through your house.
San Clemente is great for being forgotten about. Ever been mentioned in a Beach Boys song?? Nope. Because you're kinda pointless. Remember, I actually went and looked at a house there and my realtor was pushing to buy. I truly looked at the town as a buyer. In April of this year, and said "not impressed" Sorry. Prattle all you want. San Clemente has a decent bike rental shop. That's it.
Yes, Harbors are man made. Makes them as fake as your house, also man made. And your cheap forgotten about pier, also man made. So your pier is fake, your house is fake. you're man made too. Pretty sure Art's your daddy. So I guess you're fake too. Stupidest argument you have ever come up with. That living in a cave trumps have something man made.
OK, serious question. Nurse Klan, have your stopped killing patients yet?
Much as I appreciate you continuing to come back to me, I really need you to wipe your chin when you're done.
@Java yawn. do you still keep poisoning people with bad coffee? yawn.
can you even see how lame that is? again, yawn.
step up your game. you can never know what it's like to play football or hockey, but you can learn how to surf. you're not too old. will change your life. there is plenty of time to stare at my house from your view when you get older.
and natural harbors don't tend to stink like FAKE ones. just like lakes . yes nature keeps them fresh. so yes there are real ones. yours is FAKE. get out more. sc
@San Clemente Too bad you have to find some place NOT named San Clemente to try to make a point, that you didn't.
You're hilarious, trying to validate yourself because you played ice soccer while growing up in OC. It's like being the tallest midget on a basketball team. You know nothing. Nothing about football. Nothing about sports, nothing about coaching, nothing about wives or kids. LOL You are a nurse. And Apparently not a very good one.
You're so brilliant you actually said Dana point doesn't have houses on the Beach. Probably missed our on all the 15-20 million dollar places at strands. Here's a pic to help you see that yes, people live in massive beach houses here.
Curious, is your @$$ jealous of all the SH that comes out of your mouth?
Your parents are proof that two wrongs don't make a right.
@firenze5 Except I am not a football coach nor in the discussion. But thank you for the nomination. As usual, San C thinks all day about a post to in some way include me. It's an honor. First he sucks Grudens balls and now he's sucking mine
@D CLEATER daamn, you didnt deny you are gay. Don’t matter to me, I will fight for your rights just the same, but damn.
Unknown member
Oct 17, 2021
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@Java sure you do. You came on the old green board and announced when it happened. Same as you did when you told us all you showed your brokerage acct balance to a total stranger at the ND game. Like that was something to be proud of, LOL! Who does that?
Actually, we know who. A guy that carries a chip on his shoulder for being bullied his entire childhood and now has to prove to anyone who will listen that he "made it". Pretty sad. Even your 4 ex-wives couldnt stand the chip on your shoulder. You need to just let it go, dude. Quit being a bitter and angry little man.
Don't know why you think my Dad lives in Pullman. He lives in Coeur D'Alene. We went to Pullman for the wazzu game. Fun stuff. Maybe you should spend some quality time with your Dad? Might make u a happier person?DC
Unknown member
Oct 17, 2021
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@BigBallss no need to. Everyone who knows me on this board already knows I'm not a homoh. Sanka is just grasping at straws. Clearly I've gotten under his thin skin
C non of the above
Well...Gruden. But with all due respect, that's kind of a "duh." It's like saying, who'd you rather fuck, Whoopi Goldberg or Scarlett Johansson?
Board Poll,
1) Tranny Queen has 5 degrees and still can't spell
2) Adelanto by the Ocean sucked Gruden's balls for a year or more on this board?
3) Not shocked that Klan Klamente and Gruden are two peas in a pod?
4) Trick question, all of the above.
Sanka would have won more. Gruden wouldn't have lasted 3 years.
Gruden. No doubt. Sanka is incapable of a yes or no answer.