Since 1933 and the rise to prominence of FDR, America has been an occupied country, governed by a ruling class that hates the nation’s older way of life and wants to see America on the side of the global revolutionary Left. This is why FDR’s administration was filled with communists and the American government gave $300 billion to the USSR in its existential war of survival against the fascists. America did not remain neutral in that conflict because the American ruling class was explicitly on the side of the communists.
Our country being in the grip of communist sympathizers from way back is clear.
This started under Wilson, which paved the way to FDR. Being on the side of the Nazis wouldn’t have improved anything, however we had choices other than piling aid after aid to support the communists. Early in the war we had leverage we failed to use. Frankly, the NAZI's were similar to the communists, but much of what has been said exaggerates their actions, perhaps they became evil, but much is just propaganda to support WWII. So, I’m grateful America won, but the winning was not winning.
I’m not grateful America supported the USSR. For the record my favorite solution would have been to not turn away the peace entreaties of the German General staff, for us to defeat the Nazis and then defeat the USSR. As we now know, they really had nothing.
And the thing is not only did we aid the USSR in war, but we continued aiding it. There was humanitarian aid. There was, more importantly, turning a blind eye while Russia swallowed and despoiled half of Africa and South America. It was when that help was removed and pressured added by Reagan that it collapsed. But it was barely surviving before. Communist countries can’t survive without aid. Or without raiding other more productive societies for stuff to feed their masses. And if you consider the relatively small USSR population, and the level of life they managed (below lowest US level) while sucking half the world dry of goods and people and resources, it will be patently clear the US could not go full Communist and survive for more than a few months. No one can even feed us.