@August West No, just always puzzles me to see some of their stances publicly stated.
So no repubs have Caitlyn to go against Gavin. hahaha
Unknown member
Apr 25, 2021
Worthless administration. Their whole purpose is to just undo all the things Trump did that were working. 40% cap gains rate for people who make $1 million in any given year is simply absurd. Not to mention taxing everyone over $400k at 39% is ridiculous as well.
Why not just tax everyone earning under $1 million at 10%, no deductions? Include everyone. No tax breaks. Everyone over $1 million pays a higher rate (20%) and add in progressive brackets from there.
Nobody should be immune from paying taxes if we all use the same roads, bridges, public services. None of this EIC shit which makes your tax contribution zero after your refund. The poor don't pay their fair share.
This way EVERYONE has skin in the game, the tax base is broadened to its max, and politicians will actually have to be held accountable as any tax increases will affect everyone. None of this class warfare bullshit.
And you’re surprised by her complete lack of understanding?
Worthless administration. Their whole purpose is to just undo all the things Trump did that were working. 40% cap gains rate for people who make $1 million in any given year is simply absurd. Not to mention taxing everyone over $400k at 39% is ridiculous as well.
Why not just tax everyone earning under $1 million at 10%, no deductions? Include everyone. No tax breaks. Everyone over $1 million pays a higher rate (20%) and add in progressive brackets from there.
Nobody should be immune from paying taxes if we all use the same roads, bridges, public services. None of this EIC shit which makes your tax contribution zero after your refund. The poor don't pay their fair share.
This way EVERYONE has skin in the game, the tax base is broadened to its max, and politicians will actually have to be held accountable as any tax increases will affect everyone. None of this class warfare bullshit.