This from George Wrighster III (an old Oregon TE)....have no idea what it means, but speculation abounds.
I can just see BigBallss dancing right about now....but George has already replied that it is not an Oregon recruiting (That actually would have been my first guess, too......but seriously, what legacy do us quacks have anyway? ๐)
Maybe it's nothing, but the intrigue is mouth watering!!!

Texas is interesting. So is USC going independent. Good Guesses. All these recent hits for USC has me jumpy....
might just be clickbait
Legacies. Hmmm. If this has fire with the smoke, my guess is PC (hope I'm really wrong here but who else has a f'in legacy?), Larry Scott, or maybe Chip Kelly. But I don't see how anything on chip changes the balance out West? Unless it's Oregon getting whacked with Chip?
Dammit that kinda put a damper on my Monday.
"ruin legacies" "Impact the balance of power out west". We can eliminate UCLA from conjecture. Even with the sulfur smell of the Toia transfer still in the air.
I will say this....Wasserman plays dirty. And heโs powerful. And the FB facility is named after him. (?) Should be grandpa. I do think he wants to kill USC. This is mostly all speculation on my part.
But he is a powerful enemy & he has me worried.
Whoa....sounds heavy. Best guess. Hugs gets fired?