And not for the better. This story is absolutely nuts.
The CEO of Jordan Brand, Larry Miller, is the ex gang banger who killed a black teenager as retaliation for losing his friend when he was 16 years old.
Turns out the dude he shot wasnt a gang Banger. And was coming home from work. and he wasnt involved in Larry Miller’s friends death.
The family of the victim, David White, has never even heard from murderer. not even an apology?
and David White was described as just another black boy in the book?
Larry Miller served ONLY 4 1/2 years for 1st degree murder??
this all started because Nike wanted to look woke? And to help promote this cat‘s new book?
Can you say K-A-R-M-A????? 🍿
And im talking about the fact he‘s writing a book about overcoming challenges aka HIMSELF.

^^ This guy, lol daystalker^^
@gaystalker Laguna, or Cerritos?
Is this a Nike jersey? Looks like it came out of the garbage.
Clutch those pearls!!!!!
Someone get this man a chair....and a clue
The HYPOCRISY of Knight/Nike/Jordan brand/Kap/LeBum/NBA just has no bottom.
None Whatsoever.
I don’t Wear or buy their crap. Ever.
Had Oregon any decency that would refuse Nike money. They hire killers. The have destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of working class people whose jobs were sent to Asia. They employ slave labor. Shipment of the goods from Asia to the USA pours out TONS and TONS of carbon causing "end of the world" global warming. NIKE is run by evil evil people.
Jordan-Nike and UCLA suck each other, after Under Armor dropped the UCLA skank like yesterdays used up ho!
His name WAS David White. And he mattered.
And yes Larry Miller you should’ve done SOMETHING to help the lives of the people whose lives YOU destroyed especially when you were given so many blessings in this systemically racist Country.
And Selling overpriced, made in China sweatsuits & shorts to the American consumer & poor inner city children Aint it.