And I thought Slovis looked like a kid when he played his first game.
This kid doesn't have a spend a dime on anything that has anything to do with shaving. lmao
SC's only chance not to get embarrassed this Saturday is a mobile quarterback. Slovis is slippery in the pocket, but holds onto the ball as long as Rob Johnson, maybe longer. Notice EVERY single quarterback exposed to Fat Ass Hugs Helton holds the ball longer the more they are exposed to his crappy coaching? Slovis didn't hold the ball that long when he first started. Same thing with EACH and EVERY quarterback from Kessler , Browne, Darnold, Chuck n Duck, and Slovis. FACT.
Puka shells? takes me back to grammar school. Everything does seem to come back in style. next thing the "cool' kids will be wearing bell bottoms. a chick in

dittos always worked for me in junior high, in my humble opinion , should never have gone out of style. . SC
The first chick I ever made-out with wore the hell out of these. Even at the early age of 12 my hand slipped down to feel her ass in those dittos.