I bring forth a motion to put the following absurd myths to rest:
1) don’t ever bring up that ”no good coach will come to that cesspool in L A. “ fuck off with that nonsense.
2) “no coach from the mid west will want to raise their family in California.” bshahaha
3)” taxes man! They got state taxes in California don’t you know. “Suk it.
4) “Folt won’t let Bohnfire hire who he wants” or “usc doesn’t care about football” Stupid.
California dreaming is what People in the mid west do. The dream to move west and take land and recruits lives.
Fight on. Motion is passed. California superiority is hereby ratified and approved. This motion applies across all WW boards.Please respect the Motion. Keep California Great
Make USC great again
release the kraken. But for real this time.
So true, as someone who has lived in the North East, Mid West and South, So Cal is the only place to be.
As my wife said leavin South Carolina, the prettyest picture she ever saw was of the city of Charleston framed in her rear view mirror.
not everyone has two houses listed at 500k ea bought out at 1mil each( you of all people should know that.….then has a 6 million dollar home bought for them….the gets 10 mil a year in salary…..and to top it off, unlimted use of the company jet.
Perks like that allow you to live anywhere. It has nothing to do with California.
No true Trojan would be afraid of the big mean orange man , or peddle real estate like a housewife . but I guess you already had the knee pads. sc
Let's not forget the biggest lie...you don't have big balls. You have no balls
What a crock....as far as the state of California goes
you libatards and your BIG LIES.
there was NO insurrection on january 6th. you leftists and your MARXIST censorship can go fawk yourselves.
and no Riley doesn't give a hsit about defense. so stick to being a real estate scumbag. sc
California is the big lie. But for $100 million I'd sure as fuck move back.
Thuc! Not official yet, and Thuc didn't name him as being on the plane with LR.
Props… Dude, sorry for changing the subject here, but any update on the Oline coach? I know you said he in “100%,” but didn’t expand.
@balls - adding one more. SC will only make a woke hire.
Riley is not very tan. West tejas roots.