Why must UCLA girls Wear underwear: health and safety issue. Manhole covers must be covered when not in use.
what kind of underwear do old bruins wear: Depends
my line to girls at bruins parties: my magic watch says you are not wearing underwear. Oh, you are wearing underwear? My magic watch tends to run about an hour fast. Wink.
What's the hardest part about being Tommy Trojan?
Telling your parents that you're gay.
Why must UCLA girls Wear underwear: health and safety issue. Manhole covers must be covered when not in use.
what kind of underwear do old bruins wear: Depends
my line to girls at bruins parties: my magic watch says you are not wearing underwear. Oh, you are wearing underwear? My magic watch tends to run about an hour fast. Wink.
Why do ucla boys wear panties?
To keep their ankles warm.
/ I got nothing
Why don't UCLA girls wear panties?
Cause their little chinky hips don't hold them up.
- I'm Gavin Newsome and I approve this message.