Crunchy Pussy, USC is full of diversity worshipers and they love their muslims. Sorry, moron, but USC isn't the south Los Angeles branch of the John Birch society and hasn't been for a long, long time.
A preview. Mejico is 2-0-3 against the super eagles, but this year brings a little more edgier team to the Coliseum. Essentially a home game for El Tri. Head Coach Gerardo Martino said, "Este equipo tiene varias formaciones, incluye unas que no has visto. Los super eagles son campiones del Africa tres veces, y son muy competivos. Esto juego es bueno para preparnos por la competencia internacional contra los equipos que solo los vemos en la copia mundial o las Olympiadas."
"Menudo, burritos y putos." Gotta give mejico credit for this though:
England invented soccer the U S put a man on the moon
In the Philippines you can buy Putos in a box. How do you like that
I wonder if I could find anyone there to mow my lawn? Anyone....I mean everyone.
Crunchy Pussy, USC is full of diversity worshipers and they love their muslims. Sorry, moron, but USC isn't the south Los Angeles branch of the John Birch society and hasn't been for a long, long time.
A preview. Mejico is 2-0-3 against the super eagles, but this year brings a little more edgier team to the Coliseum. Essentially a home game for El Tri. Head Coach Gerardo Martino said, "Este equipo tiene varias formaciones, incluye unas que no has visto. Los super eagles son campiones del Africa tres veces, y son muy competivos. Esto juego es bueno para preparnos por la competencia internacional contra los equipos que solo los vemos en la copia mundial o las Olympiadas."
"Menudo, burritos y putos." Gotta give mejico credit for this though: