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Don’t get the boosters or jabs….
they increase your chances of being infected.
Don’t get the boosters or jabs….
they increase your chances of being infected.
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One of many reports….
August, It seems to me that different people come up with different stats. As an example:
94.1 percent of NFL players are vaccinated
The National Hockey League has been extremely successful in its efforts to encourage vaccination for all players and personnel. It announced that there are only four players left who haven't gotten the shot.
Report: NBA reaches 95% vaccination rate among players
If the vaccine is as dangerous as the author of your link said, it would seem many pro players would be sick or dying. Yet, to my knowledge, I have not heard about any active player that has been sick or died due to the vaccine. Additionally, the majority of the college teams have players that have been vaccinated, the majority of the miltary, and majority of USC students.
Are they not sick or dying because they are younger and healthier? If so, then shouldn't the argument be, older, more immune compromised people should avoid shot as opposed to the shot is bad for all?
Ultimately, it is each person's individual choice.
It would seem this guy does not agree with your position:
I was hospitalized after my vaxing with an acute infection in my body (urine and blood) just about bought the farm, but pulled thru in the end.
Have you seen the updated stats from VAERs? I'm amazed the corrupt CDC still keeps it up. Latest tallies from the "safe and effective" jabs: Deaths 20,244 (most occurred within a few days of the shot. By the way the way the Dept. Of Defense's own website shows 50,000 Medicare patients died within 14 days of getting their theirs); Adverse Events 965,841; Hospitalizations 106,129, Miscarriages 3297; Permanently disabled 33,675. Every study (such as the Harvard study) on reporting to VAERs shows no more than 10% of cases ever gets reported and as little as 1% so the listed numbers are but a tiny fraction of the carnage these shots have done.
I have grown beyond tired of trying to wake up the braindead deceived morons who say that if you don't take the knee and get your shots you are unpatriotic or endangering society, etc. There is so much info out there if they would just pry themselves off the MSM vomit brokers who have been lying to them for 20 months. But instead like sheep they continue to line up for shot after shot while their immune systems are being systematically destroyed. They buy every lying narrative such as the hospitals are full of the unvaccinated when every one of the many whistleblowers (usually nurses) say that is a flat out lie and they are full of vaccinated patients. They buy all these "Cases" when the vast majority of them are false positives because the PCR testing is run at 40+ cycles. They actually believe all of those 800,000 claimed deaths in the USA were covid when only a small fraction of them are while the rest died of underlying morbidites or were basically killed by hospitals through the combination of remdesivir and ventilators. I could go on and on but you get the point.
Every country with the highest level of vaccination has the highest rates of infection while countries with the lowest vaccination rates (like Africa) and those who have switched from the injection to Ivermectin (Japan and India for example) have the lowest cases. It's so bloody obvious how dangerous these shots are but you can't convince the vaccine cultists no matter how much proof you show them. You have world class medical doctors and scientists on alternative media platforms telling the truth but of course they are called misinformation by the lying government, Big Tech and MSM. So much for science being all about debate. How dare anyone question these vaccines. Almost all these guys have been pro vaccine until this thing came along. Some 10,000 of them have signed a petition asking for Nuremberg trials against the creators of these shots. But I'm sure they are all "conspiracy theorists", right?
Fraud Fauci and his cohorts needs to stop moving the goalposts as to what is "fully vaccinated". If the damn shots work, they work. IF they don't, boosters 1-5 won't help you but would likely compromise your immune system. Fauci needs to be booted out of his position and locked up in GITMO.
Phil asks and interesting question.
The answer is of course. Mail in voting. sc