anyone want to guess who the biggest PHONY on the board is?
It's not complicated.
It' all been posted.
Give up?
"Yes I have an apartment" in Dana Point.
This is after bragging about his HOUSE in dana point the same freaking day.
Also posted was that this poster could sell his "house" in dana point any buy two of my San Clemente houses.
Uh, a house is NOT an apartment. Not even close. And as far as the biden administration math goes, it would probably take at least 6 or 8 dana point apartments to by one my San Clemente homes. I don't care if it's right on top of the FAKE harbor. It's a FREAKING apartment. NOT A HOUSE.
Does this poster also lease a Bentley and have a totally real looking Patek?
It's a FREAKING apartment. by definition high density freaking housing, yuk!
I can't catch the commie virus from my neighbor flushing their toilet like anyone that shares plumbing in an apartment can.
So this poster has a house on a FAKE LAKE in meth land. And has an Apartment next to a FAKE harbor that didn't even exist when he was born.
I don't know, I like my own stuff. I like to take my morning constitutional without worrying about a neighbor's death virus going up my ass. I like REAL stuff. Fake boobs have never done much for me either.
Board POSER. any guesses who? maybe it's just me, but I prefer a real HOUSE and things in life that are actually REAL, like a REAL BEACH, although I do see the argument here. lmao

squeezed out. pinched off. splashed on the ass, wiped twice, and flushed .
And If I were SAD and pathetic enough to still live in an apartment, I would probably flush 3 or 4 times.
Wow, two Trojans fighting till the bitter death.
At least my Bruins win SOMETHING this weekend!
Hit him, hit him OK OK now you hit him back!!! Harder! Hit him so hard he shits his pants!!!!!
holy moly, just catching up, good thread
Not that it means that much. But just watching the replay of the SC-Wazzu game and they opened up with Kedon Slovis has never played a game in the rain. Is that the confusion? BTW, Slovis looks pretty jumpy, and this is before he got knocked out of the game.
Clemente, who are the broads? Is the one on the left Denise Richards? Yeah, she was one of the worst Bond girls ever, but she sure had nice tits.
That's funny. Can dish it but can't take it? Might want to stick to the truth. I hear it will set you free. Of course, we can turn you into a public flaming homo again, but that wouldn't be much of a stretch.
Not cool . please don’t post personal stuff . sc
You said "I'm the one with the problem. here. I'm perfectly stable. SC"
If this is actually is what you're going to do to the board, literally make stuff up? I'm not going to have you here BM .
You're a liar, refuse to admit you were wrong. And refuse to apologize. This is why everyone who knows you both here and in your personal life, thinks you're a piece of garbage. I'll leave the post long enough for you to read it then I'll take it down because it's an idiotic dishonest personal attack. Not that it even matters jackass. You thought you caught me in some lie. You were wrong. And you look stupid yet again. Like you do every day.
Now run along and get me a weather report. I want to see if Jaxson Dart will play in rain or cold for the first time in his life.
You posted it Word for Word. I just cut and pasted it.
and I’m not the one with the problem admitting I’m wrong , but not here .
keep stomping your feet I’m sure that thing the city built whatever that means is perfectly stable, lmao
if more 909 people move to Dana point from meth land you are going to need all that new high density housing .
good luck with that .sc
It's ok, just admit that you were WRONG. It will be a first. God might appear in the clouds. You life will be changed. It will be as miraculous as a woman telling you that you're appealing and handsome. Woman. Those are the opposite gender. Because there are only two. Figured you'd need some help there too.
Doesn't matter how many times you mention great restaurants you eat at. OK, so you're telling me Adelanto BTO doesn't have any of those either. I believe you. I've never eaten there. I've eaten in Laguna N word Laguna B word. Dana of course. Newport, Irvine. Probably a couple other cities too. Whatever that Mastro's across from South Coast plaza is. Irvine? No clue. Anyway. Congrats. You have to come up to Dana to have a social life. Maybe you should have moved here. Wait, no, on second thought. Don't.
I didn't insert "I am kidding here" references anywhere in this. Feel free to post more idiotic tripe or make up more lies. You don't ever make them up, of course. You just spread them. Spreading them is something you're good at. Probably why you've spent so much time bent over in Laguna yes?
PS I didn't know and don't know how many houses you have. My comment about selling it and buying two houses in San Clemente was meant to refer to buying two houses in the city. Not that that really matters, since I am just giving you grief. Though I really have no clue why anyone would own two houses in the same city. If you're doing it to be some sort of landlord is just tells me you're smart enough to do anything else with your money.
Apparently you don't know the meaning of "hahahahaha" How many apartments do you know with a view up and down the coast? Who is more stupid, the guy I was explaining this to the first time or the idiot who ACTUALLY took the sarcasm AS FACT. Congrats. You're the only one aside from Benedick (thanks for the suggestion) stupid enough to NOT GET this. No one else. That's two words, would be dumb enough to buy it. I ONLY have to explain it to you two. And I daresay HE is even smart enough to understand. If you read his context, he suggested I had rented an apartment in Orange or Anaheim or Hemet. I don' t remember. Do I also need to teach you to read the entire post too?
And no, I am not laughing with you, because of you. I am laughing at you.
You have topped yourself on the daily here. yesterday you asserted Draper Utah had weather like San Diego, and Jaxson had never played in rain or cold. Then you doubled down on that stupidity by posting a one day weather report. And now today this. My gosh. You're really deteriorating faster than the Puppet president.
first, it's libel not slander. but it's neither if it's true.
and you posted this. after posting you had a house in dana point. Care to spin?
Java Sep 19
@D CLEATER dude its not my fault you have to move to freaking Idaho to afford a house. And yeah. I have an apartment. Hahahaha. I’ve got a view uo and down the coast from my “apartment”. Here’s an idea. Take dad to the game next time. He gets sick. He dies and you continue your life feeding off jim by now being able to move b…
so is it a house or an apartment. On second thought , I really don’t care.
but go ahead and focus on the weather in utah. and it it's like the cold damp northwest, it's news to me.
oh and my home is custom, I don't want the city building me anything. ever. and I like dana point. At least I used to.
now I’m not so sure. Neighborhood seems to have changed . sc
San Clemente trying to land a punch
Dear Board Loser,
Wow, talk about free rent. You truly are a freaking moron. I'll respond because as usual, you like and simply make something up .
BTW, FACT you said Jaxson Dart of Draper Utah has never played in cold or rain. Proof you are an absolutely stupid man.
Not sure where I said I had an apartment but I am fairly sure it was in sarcasm to T-Shit Trojan, Benedickleater.
You really are a flipping idiot. You spent that much time. That much effort on THAT?
You Jackass, I even took a picture of the house and posted it for you in one of the posts. From the Kayak in the Harbor. The one your city is too backwards to conceive of building.
So yes. completely false. Total slander and you should be smart enough to know that. But you're not. Because you're Dr. Adelanto by the Ocean. The idiot with 5 degrees who can't spell and somehow thinks that by shouting loudly, writing in caps and spewing falsehoods, that you can sway opinion. Luckily I know who you are, and have for years. Just a paper tiger. A fake. Just like your house, your city, and your profession. And all your board certifications. Probably your degrees
So let's see. You're wrong about the weather, wrong about Utah, and now you're KNOWINGLY wrong and falsify stuff about me.
BTW, your house didn't exist when you were born. That's fake too. The 5 freeway running through your yard didn't exist either, but it's very real now loser. Clear the traffic noise out before you post next time. The railroad tracks in your crappy little town that are sliding into the ocean weren't there either. I guess they are fake too. Let me guess. Every election is fake, everything you don't like is fake, and little San Chladmydia sits on his kitchen floor and holds his breath. Pretending all of them are fake and if he holds his breath long enough they all will go away. And no, I don't need to describe a bowel movement, because every time you post, that's what we graphically witness.
And yeah, you actually see the transactions on the WW board. I've seen you post. In the time it takes you to insert and change your tampon monthly, I buy and sell your net worth. Don't even try to play the financial game with me. You're small potatoes even to several others on this board. Perhaps you can impress Benedick I hear the boy had to move to Pullman to afford a place. Or Idaho, whatever,. same thing, different spelling.