@tempomacdougall The number 1 campaign issue for 2022 could easily be vouchers if Republicans had a brain in their head. People have had it with teachers' unions and our k-12 public education.
College is no longer becoming an option unless you want to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Pharmacist, etc. Anything outside of those and you're better off sending your kid to learn a trade, hone their craft under someone else, then start their own business.
Ain't gonna get rich with a useless degree and working for someone else. Especially with all these woketard colleges
Baltimore leads Dcleater follows. He doesn't understand education. K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: Baltimore Student Who Failed All But Three Classes In Four Years Was Ranked In Top Half Of His Class.
Baltimore’s last Republican mayor left office in 1967.
Traffic lights are racist cuz what you do is based upon color!
Is sc really $65k a year now? What a ripoff. At least there's plenty of parking so there's that.
Is sc really $65k a year now? What a ripoff. At least there's plenty of parking so there's that.
And you USC people pay $65000 a year for that shit?
On the good side, it probably helps with basketball and football recruiting.
There will be no more players who are academically ineligible.
College is no longer becoming an option unless you want to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Pharmacist, etc. Anything outside of those and you're better off sending your kid to learn a trade, hone their craft under someone else, then start their own business.
Ain't gonna get rich with a useless degree and working for someone else. Especially with all these woketard colleges
I need some practice on the posting.