Sure they had motive. Sure they proved opportunity. But no eye witnesses. No photos. No video. No murder weapon.
Other than the blood evidence they had bupkis. And the lapd had earned a rep in certain communities for planting shit.
Do I think he did it. Of course. Does it change what he did at SC on the football field. Of course not. Don't care what any football player does after they leave SC.
Riddle me this.
Especially you crime-movie-tv-novel aficianados.
Has there ever been more evidense of a crime any crime than all the stuff they have on the Biden crime family. Tony Saprano would blush.
My God, They have EVERYTHING. Multiple Eye witnesses. Sworm afifdavits. Photos. A freaking video confession. Money wire transfers. Lots of them. unexplained wealth on full display like mansions. Shell corporations that have no other function than to launder money. Emails. Texts. Undeclared income. Tax evasion. Whistleblowers from multiple departments. Oh and a laptop that confirms everything. holy moly.
Jesus, you couln't sell this script to tick tock.
I guess the only thing they don't have is dna evidence.
Looks like that's going to be enough. LMAO. sc
It will all make sense when you read 13 RULES FOR RADICALS ,by SAUL ALINSKY.It is the LEFTS BIBLE.
Ito thew out his sponrtaneous statement, under Ev Code, more prejudicial than probative.
He was wrong, as usual....
He never ruled on his statements to the cops, which the DA decifed not to use. (stupid move)
One piece of blood evidence out of 61...not enough to throw out on appeal...a question for the trier of fact
Biden is among the worst people in history and his family makes the Borgia Family look like canonized saints.
wrong, Ito ruled out the spontantaneous statements to Rosie Grier, not the statements to the cops. That was but another of the idiotic rulings from that narcissistist judge. The blood was not planted...there was a collection issue as to one sample...ONE...not a planting. The car chase was admissible as consciousnrss of guilt, and a jury instruction to that effect was proper. The DA chose not to enter it....stupid.
OJ has impulse control problems. It's a thing. Ever been in a movie theater with black people? Biden is white trash scum. Complete piece of shit.
the blood had EDTA in it. It was planted. Even that is suspect.
But OJ wouldn't have gone for the Bronco ride if he didn;t know anything about what happened.
Re Biden, you guys don't get it. Nobody is this stupid. This is all being done on purpose. Ask yourself a simple question: Teflon Ronny did many of the same stupid forgetful moments (with worse crimes in the background as I have posted) yet none of this was held against him. Why isn't Biden given the same pass? Because this is all being done for effect. Both of "your parties" are controlled by and work for the same monied interests (and no, biden nor obama nor clintoon weren't liberals, otherwise they would have gotten the US out of the wars in the Middle east; they are controlled by the military industrial complex, just like Reagan and the Bushes were).
Follow the money. This isn't that difficult, but you guys get played over and over again.
as for OJ, you have forgotten his White Bronco chase, his spontaneous statements to the police, and to Rosie Grier, ...oh, yeah, so did the DA....