"At Saturday's loss to Texas in Tuscaloosa, Alabama fans were heard directing racist and homophobic slurs at Longhorns players.
The University has since said it is 'disgusted' after a Crimson Tide football fan was filmed telling black players to 'go back to the projects, you f*****s.'
'You're a f****** f*****... you guys are all f******,' one fan screamed before shouting: 'Go back to the projects, f******, go back to the projects.'
None of the Texas players reacted to the abuse.
a fEw dAYS LatEr...
Alabama football player arrested on second-degree sodomy charge and thrown off the team in latest scandal for college superpower... just days after fans were caught on video shouting racist and homophobic slurs
Antonio Ross, a 19-year-old walk-on, has been dismissed from the Crimson Tide
Alabama fans were also heard yelling racist and anti-gay slurs in Saturday's loss
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If Sodomy was a crime in California half of you would be on Death Row.