Tesla up 78% year to date. Fuck yeah! Stacking crabby patties again. When others panicked, grabbed their balls and went home, I just grabbed mah ballz and held on. Crops are ready, Time to harvest.
in 30 plus years of stock trading I have NEVER been anything more than moderately successful. And a few times an outright failure. Always using a professional investment adviser. Fired his ass after the bath I took in 2008.After 2008 I went almost 10 years without doing any trading. Instead I went all in on real estate. My AOE (area of expertise) . I am the PMK of residential real estate. In January 2020, flush with cash from real estate ventures, I went in the stocks again. Right when everyone was believing the change in the white House would bring in a stock market collapse. We would all be poor he said. Thats when I, somehow, decided was the right time to buy stocks again. Big balls baby!
Bought Pfizer, Walmart, Kroger and Tesla. Luckiest move ever. I went in on Tesla at $380 p/s and rode that bitch to $1200. turned into a lot of money. Pfizer comes up with the vaccine, boom. Groceries fly off the shelf , Kroger and Walmart, boom. Yes, it was mostly lucky timing. I still insist, unless you are an insider or extremely lucky it is hard to sustain wins on Wall Street. When most were bad mouthing Tesla, I was buying their stock and car like a drunken sailor. Right on this board i was called a fool for buying Tesla. An IPad with a steering wheel they said. A company run by a fool they said. Yes, he was called a fool. But in a lucid moment I saw the future. Better to be lucky than good. ✌️
I live in a Tesla sanctuary. I don't know if realtors are throwing one in with every house or something like that, but it is obscene how many there are on the road. Sometimes there will be 10 in a row, all zipping and zooming, racing each other like electronic Ricky Bobbys holding their coffees up for the world to see like they are the statue of liberty.
That is the problem to me though, it is too saturated. The type of people who buy Teslas are the type of people who don't like being considered part of the everyday, part of the herd. How much more part of the herd can you be driving a grey or white Tesla?
Up again today BIG. 9 consecutive days….. That being said, give me some of that money.
think this has alot more to do with this man vs your intelligence. You should remember that.
that being said. congrats. You have money in the game and i do understand & respect that.
I live in a Tesla sanctuary. I don't know if realtors are throwing one in with every house or something like that, but it is obscene how many there are on the road. Sometimes there will be 10 in a row, all zipping and zooming, racing each other like electronic Ricky Bobbys holding their coffees up for the world to see like they are the statue of liberty.
Nice move from the Jan. low.