Im a little giddy about what Tesla and WMT are doing for me right now. But keeping me humble is my wrong pick with Bud. I didnt buy the stock, nor do I hold any, but my prediction that the boycott would lose steam is not coming thru. Yet. Sounds like sales have stopped falling for now but the data is still too raw to make a prediction that the boycott has broken. I will say this, Mexican beer is among the best in the world. Modelo Negra is a very nice beer. recommend along with my favorite Pacifico. Corona, like bud is pee pee in a can, with a great name and marketing style.
Dividend Yield of 0.95% kinda sucks
I am a big beer drinker. The craft beer movement has significantly expanded my waistline to the point where i have to think about some of the light options, or just stick with Bourbon. I really like Yuengling. The mexican beers are great too, but for me they are great because of the memories they invoke.